Crack Dependency And Detox

By Ben Pate

Anyone who has ever been around someone on crack cocaine before knows what an incredibly powerful drug it can be. In fact, crack is one of the most addictive substances on the planet. Prolonged crack cocaine abuse can cause very serious health problems and even lead to death. If you or someone you know is fighting a crack addiction, it is vital that they seek medical intervention as soon as they can. It may be necessary to go through a detox from crack in order to get all of the toxins out of the person's system. However, a detox should only be undergone with the supervision of a medical professional. Detoxing from crack can be a very painful process, and having a doctor there who can administer medications makes the process much more bearable.

How Its Made

Crack is a form of cocaine that is usually smoked. Other terms for it include rock, hard, cavvy, iron, base, as well as just crack. It is the most addictive form of cocaine. Crack delivers a brief yet intense high to those who smoke it. Crack developed widely in inner-city populations and derived its name from the loud "crack" sound is often made when manufacturing it or smoking it.

Physical Effects

Crack causes a sense of euphoria, or high. It results in supreme confidence, loss of appetite, heightened alertness, insomnia, rapidly increasing energy, and even potential paranoia. It releases a large amount of dopamine which creates the euphoric feeling. It's normally a five to ten minute high, which when over, causes dopamine levels to plummet which leaves the user in a depressed state. Crack is a mind altering substance that can cause a person to become addicted very quickly.

Physical Side Effects

There are many side effects when using crack cocaine, the short terms effects include constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, increased temperature as well as blood pressure and heart rate. In higher doses bizarre behavior accompanies the drug abuse and can even lead to violent behavior. Large amounts can cause tremors, vertigo, twitches, as well as paranoia. Toxic reactions can occur as well that resemble that of amphetamine poisoning. Most deaths associated with crack cocaine use are attributed to cardiac arrest, seizures, and respiratory arrest.

Consequences Of Use

Crack is one of the most addictive forms of cocaine and one of the most addictive substances in the world. After a person uses crack for the first time, they will continue to chase that high until they either end up in jail, die, or go to rehab. There are no other options. There is no such thing as a functioning crack addict. Using crack, even one time, can be a very dangerous decision for a person to make. It does not take much for a person to have crack abuse.

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